Corrupt JPEG Checker App Bewertungen

Superb! Please write one for docs.

Provides an essential functionality that should not be needed, but dearly is. It is 2018 and we are still losing resources. The clouds don’t care. Neither does Apple.

It’s just what I was looking for.

I’ve had some file system errors on mirrored external disks and was worried about internal damage to thousands of image files. Disk Warrior cleared up the file system errors (mostly Spotlight-generated files) but I couldn’t manage to compile some Public Domain command-line image validation tools I’d found. Corrupt JPEG Checker has flagged lots of files I already knew were damaged (generated by a flakey Canon camera I used to use) and it appears to validate the image data from every file. Metadata errors don’t necessarily mean an image is affected but it’s sure nice to know. Thanks!


Very useful - although it definitely needs: 1. Multithreading 2. The ability to edit the scan path directly 3. To remember last folder visited 4. Drag’n’drop scan select 5. A Reveal in Finder command 6. Ability to flag and remove files from results without deleting them

What a saviour!

This tool has saved me a lot of anxiety about the storage of my JPEGs. Like many I have my whole family back history in JPEG form and I wanted to be sure they were not corrupt. This tool handled that task simply and efficiently. Choose the folder to scan, click scan and walk off. Out of ~50,000 JPEGs I found one or two corrupt images but none of which mattered in the grand scale of it all. PERFECT and well done!!!!!!

great jpeg scanner utility

I had been noticing intermittently that some jpegs whose thumbnails looked ok in Windows Explorer could not be opened. I could never figure out how widespread the problem was, other than by trying to open every single jpeg and look manually. Clearly impossible. And worrying - did I have a bad disk? a corrupt NTFS, etc.. It turns out the contained thumbnails were fine (which is all Windows uses, until you actually try to open the enture photo using Photo Viewer or equivalent). Photoshop, Irfanview etc all failed the same way. The file contents were trashed. Jpeg recovery programs can’t work. Then I found corruptJpegScanner for my Mac. And I tried it out. And it found 64 corrupt files among my 36k. Saved! $6 very well spent. It turns out that (with one exception) they had all been created by the same scanner, so I blamed that. Rescanned, and all is now clean.

Wish I’d found this a long time ago

Thank you for this tool! I’ve spent months trying to dig corrupt images out of a 600GB iPhoto library spanning more than a decade. Reimporting my library into a fresh one is crashing, presumably during thumbnail and preview generation of the imported files. iPhoto only logs that a corrupt file was found, not which one - then crashes. I’m running this tool on the library right now. It’s already found a few that when opened in Preview are obviously damaged. CJC is spitting out a text file with paths to all the damaged photos. I’m hoping that by morning my iPhoto problems are behind me.

Can't put a price on peace of mind!

This application has brought me piece of mind many times checking my family photos so I thought I would add another review given I asked for the minor UI fix. The developer is very open to suggestions and feedback. Great developer and great App!

does the job

Saved me a ton of anxiety. Now I can be sure my vast collection of precious family photos are safe. I can check that photos are copied across the network with integrity. A pity it seems to be only single-threaded. This limits its speed considerably, expecially reading from an SSD. But it works.

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